Ma'am Maria Khan Informed  G.D.S-Community About The Sessionl  Marks:
         Ma'am Maria Said that every person has 17 marks except some of Your class Fellows....
                       They just Got 18 and no one is Above 18 marks......


                       She might leave Pakistan On 4th of August.........|(according to G.D.S-community resources)

       (official Disclaimer Of This News Is G.D.S-Community)
The  Vocations Has announced Till 14-03-2011 After a class commitment
Today After Class Commitment, Vocation is decided up to the Monday of the next week after this coming week. keep this in mind that these are not Official Vocations  And also not allotted by the C.R or G.R . It Was the Decision of Each of the class member.

Enjoy now see ....................................................
We Are going to generate Commitment Zone here soon . Where You peoples can comments with one another And can share your  problems and can get solution with your class mates. I hope this would be Interesting and Helpful Also.......................

Enjoy the vocation
Happy Vocations
From :


Hi Students,        
             As we're heading towards the end of our papers. Perhaps, our next next concern is "Vacations".
GDS Group ( SAM, Ali_GeN_1, TalhaDX ) has given the site a proposal for the Vacation setup, that says:

"Class as our paper will end on 2nd March. If we again come to uni for the next semester on 7th March, then we think these are not what we call holidays. As our seniors had arranged at least 1 week holidays for them after Final papers  (arranged totally on class commitments, no official orders were considered ). So we must also take our own decisions.
We purpose you our (BSCS 1st M) commitment till 11th March. As we will get nearly 10 days, which is quite appropriate & will fresh as again as we came for the first time when started our 1st semester...:-)

So please do vote & express your opinion. And also inform your other friends to also vote your purposal."


We feel necessary to inform you that as our paper timings for every paper is 12. But tomorrow is FRIDAY. Means we have to offer JUMA NAMAZ as well, which will be held on 1:30. So, we went to Sir Zeeshan to get his advice. He said you all students come at same time early & call for the paper at 10:30. And we talked to Sir Ali Samad who also showed his interest in our problem.  So, we have decided that tomorrow all of our Class will be there at right  10:00 AM. Then we will again go to Chairman or Sir Ali Samad and will ask for paper at  10:30.

So please inform all of your class mates & insure your presence near the basement till 10:00. So we can go for the call.

please download the file to read the manuals.

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Download File

Hi friends,
Sorry for the delay of providing you with important data for the paper. But the delay was only due to finalizing the most important questions. SO now we are almost at the end of our finalizing. We will INSALLAH upload a complete guide to important questions later tonight.


But Still There Are Some Problems:
           Friends WE Know that our preparation is nil (talking about majority)
And our department played a Drama with us Again . In The beginning they were saying us about the date of 24 of February But now they are going to conduct it on 21 of February. waoooooooooooooooooooooooo
what a drama hats off to our department policies and plans.

   Now we are facing two problems which are
  • Our 2 Classmates have to attend marriage ceremonies.
  • We have to shift our calculus paper with Accounting .
     3rd option :

  •  No change
Keep in mind that it is a views of our class fellows its not just ours.

So we have to solve at least one problem.......

But With this type of Preparation , Do you know how we are going to Attempt the paper???????

<<<<<<<<<Just see below>>>>>>>>
See How Intelligent are we..............

Now come back to Point again and that is above mention two problems..Friends we are going to conduct a voting here....

SO how u can vote here,. Procedure is below

Voting procedure.......
  • In comments Please show your name or roll number
  • Leave reply that u want to shift the paper to 24 of February
  • or Leave reply that u only want to swap just calculus and accounting paper.
  • Then on Thursday We will compile results.
  • Vote without name and roll number will not be accepted.
  • This time Eligibility of voter is 16 years. (not 18) he/she may cast the vote.
So please participate..... Thanksssss

Check the assignment page for the solved questions

I 2 c assignment date has been  postponed till Monday. And the soft copy of completed assignment will be uploaded on site Saturday evening INSHALLAH. So, keep goggling & searching around your own site.

Bs(cs) has set the new history by breaking the Newton's Law Of Gravity
                                        Bs(Cs)1st morning has broken the law of gravity which is known as Universal Law. But all the Law are nothing when their is Bs(cs) 1st M, Especially when their is G.D.S_CS community.

On last Friday February-04-2011 Bs(cs) Students were playing Cricket match.
A bowler (Amazing Googly master : Mr. Ali Tariq) Bowled to Mr. Talha (G.D.S Community Internal Issue Head Manager) Who was batting. The Batsman Hit the Boll For Six , The boll Went High Up in the air , All the fielders Started Running To Catch the Boll. But amazingly Boll Didn't Come down . It seems like that its stuck in The Air.
We Were Very Amazed To See That.

So here we Have Broken the Universal Law (known as Newton Law of Gravity)
Its So Amazing We have Decided to send our report to Discovery And National Geographic channel. As it is a Mystery.

So we Can Say Mystery Begins when there Are G.D.S.................


    G.D.S Community is the most authentic and fast community. We will Publish here all types of news here (black news also)


    March 2011
    February 2011


