                                    As We know that he has said today that he is going to set up a competition between our class and the evening class which will held in auditorium. We see that you guys are looking excited. But we don't know why?

      By looking his 2 previous promises you can conclude that how this competition is going to conduct. But we hope better , that this time is will least Ok........

      But don't forget to watch his last promise about the day put of cooking............ 

                   look down here Come on

     When Boys Are Cooking............

   While Girls Just Enjoying Eating


  Conclusion: Girls Eat that all , and boys are unable to have a single bite. So they are weeping...

Now What your decision : This Event should be conducted or Not ?

10/27/2011 03:29:02 am

conduct :P

10/28/2011 01:43:22 pm

Dont worry guys............this event is never gonna be organised. not only this but each and every event which is said by the Sir Samad Sb.

so Enjoy the........Lyfe.......



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