

                                                   1.  Sir Mujhtaba Told that he is leaving today for I.S.B and will cum back on 22 so ., Paper list will be final and will be declared on 23rd of  July .

(well you guys  can understand his commitments , First he said of first Monday after papers, then second Monday after one. then he said 12th of July, and again he failed to fulfill his commitment . now lets hope best for the 23 of July)

          2. Ma'am Fariha  said that list will be mentioned soon. it is quite hopeful that list will be displayed on noticed board round about 18 of July.

          3. Ma'am Saima stated that your objective papers are checked and are showing satisfactory result. but your subjective papers are the next target but  I can not tell you the exact date.

     On a question she said that its depend on you guys, if you have seriously given F.M a proper time then you will Get good marks....
7/13/2011 05:07:47 am

thank you guys ...
when they display the result
plz try to take one copy and scan it as image and put it here
coz some of us they can't cm to dep and see that ..

7/13/2011 03:24:07 pm


thanks for your suggestions . Yes we this thing is also in our plan. Dont worry this is a community site to help in all students problem. in the paticular matter we need our teachers support to get the soft copy of these types of list. but as long as the list will be declared , we are here to inform you.

keep googling here.



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