 BsCs3rd first trip ever is fastly  under progress . And Inshallah we will make it.
Here are the details of all Milestone covered successfully by the Management Body namely Zeeshan , Ilyaas And One And Only  The Mr.......................38  GeN-1 (D.Cr and most respected and  Honorable F.o)

Milestone 1:
                     Collection was the first milestone which was completed in 11 days but successfully . It was the toughest task which is completed.  Because every 1 wants to go but no 1 willing to pay for it. But thanks to all as u paid .

Milestone 2 :

                      It is about the paper documentation for the trip.  which is completed in 1 day . but it was not so easy .......... The chairmen give us tough time to make it sign
                   Then it was the D.S.A turn . for him we have to go railway campus. we get him at 1:00pm but after making several dramas and lame excuses he was not willing to sign it . Then as we made approach he signed the Application after 5 hours . we were there in our least and last will power which turn every time in very hot bad  temperament  but we controlled it only for class .

             Then we left railway campus in no time about  at 6:00
we get V.C office but we came to know that he is not in B.w.p
but we hit a plan to get a sign of Acting V.c (who is V.C in charge in case when there is no V.C in Uni) . so we left the railway campus and traveled at very high speed nearly 100km(which made ilyas fell in Fever and chest ache)
We get V.c on his home and insist him to make our application sign and as he did we became happy and we get back to Ali samad office and we submit to him

              Sir Ali samad seems amaze on the quick work we have don. he appreciated our work .

Milestone 3 :

Today Dated 20-1-12 , we wrote application for the girls warden and made them sign from chairmen First we asked to girls to write them self but they write that application in their on way (oh what a way that was) but i highly appreciated those girls who some how managed to write about it . but there was no chairmen in the department. After waiting for the a long time we made him several calls and in 1 in one of them we asked about his current location , we came to know about his current location . he was in auditorium . we get there after speedy run., we get him inside the  auditorium . and made him sign off our application too. he address to us but we made him that we are official worker of that convocation going in the auditorium. heheheeeee . and finally we made it to

Special appearance : Mudasir wala bhai in this round

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